Storing actionscripts

I am wondering, how does everyone save the actionscripts that they want to keep for future use? is there like a permanent library you can use in flash that i dont know about? or what?

You could keep it in .as files for instance. I guess.

pom :cowboy:

I’m assuming you know about the ‘export as file’ option in the action script menu (top righthand corner of the actionscript window)?:-\

No I did not know about that?! Does that just export the AS as a seperate file?!? That’s exactly what I was hoping you could do!
Thank you very much

It exports it as a text file to whichever folder or disc you want. Then you can use it again by using ‘import from file’ in the same menu.

It’s quite a missable menu though I didn’t knoe it was there the first few times I use flash. It’s a tiny group of lines and squares that I think are supposed to look like a menu.

Yea, i know what menu your talking about…crazy I never noticed the export feature though! man, that will help soooo much. thank you very much. I knew there had to be somthing like that!

No problem. This is only the second time I’ve actually helped someone on this forum so I’m pretty pleased too.=)

I save my .fla files to a folder called “tests” and have the .swf files with them. That way when I need something I can check the .swf and if that was the file I was looking for I can open the .fla file and see what I did.

Yeah, I do like lostinbeta (but not as well), I save to a folder “templates” and reuse from there. I have files such basic buttons that are ready to pull into a file (actually mcs, and a bunch of them so I can copy as many as I need and then just add the graphics and modify the _hitarea mc once).

But I will have to explore the export as file thing (as soon as I finish exploring my navel). :geek:

What about MC’s? do you just have to save those in seperate .fla’s? or…can you have like a permanent library filled w/ all the MC’s you want?

common libraries

save all the movie clips you want in the same fla and paste the fla in the libraries folder [size=1][ ie. C:\Program files\Macromedia\Flash MX\First Run\Libraries ][/size]

to access the library from flash go to window | common libraries

[size=1][ EDIT ]
lol :stuck_out_tongue: typo !![/size]

wow…im learing some valuable info! thank you everyone. i feel stupid for not knowing this…but…now i know! thank you so much

well you’re not idiot :slight_smile:

i didn’t know about them until the third day after using flash :stuck_out_tongue:

I use Kodiak. Its a simple little db app - downloadable for free (1.3) - which can store all kinds of code with formatting and color coding options. Its a little bulky but it does the job well.

hey i will check that out, thank you for pointing me to that. appreciate it!
sounds good