I’m having a problem with a FileStream that I’ve created for a desktop widget. I need to save user settings in an XML file to retrieve later on.
It works when I test the movie in Flash, but when I package the app for AIR and install it on my system the methods below don’t create the file.
I’ve tried setting the directory to app:/ but my button doesn’t work when the AIR app is installed - yet it works when I test the movie and have the directory set to either app:/ or app-storage:/
I’ve tested the arrays separately and they’re all working fine, it just doesn’t create the file.
This is what I use to load the preference file (prefs.xml)…
readPreferences(); // Starts the whole process of loading preferences
function readPreferences():void {
var fs:FileStream = new FileStream();
fs.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, onOpenPreferences );
fs.openAsync( new File( "app-storage:/prefs.xml" ), FileMode.READ );
// Assign preferences to an Array
function onOpenPreferences( event:Event ):void {
var fs:FileStream = event.target as FileStream;
var preferences:XML = XML( fs.readUTFBytes( fs.bytesAvailable ) );
var USER:Namespace=preferences.namespace("USER");
var noFeeds=preferences..USER::noFeed;
for (var i:int=0; i < noFeeds.length(); ++i) {
userPrefArray* = noFeeds*.attribute("noFeed");
loadXML(); // I call this method after the preferences have been assigned to an Array.
And I have this for actually saving the preferences via a button once they’ve been set in an Array called ‘userPrefArray’.
savePreferences_mc.savePreferences_btn.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, onSavePreferences );
function onSavePreferences( event:MouseEvent ):void {
var fs:FileStream = new FileStream();
fs.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, onFileStreamComplete );
fs.openAsync( new File( "app-storage:/prefs.xml" ), FileMode.WRITE );
var fileData:String = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>';
fileData += "<USER:prefs xmlns:USER='http://www.raboplus.com.au/rsswidget/'>";
for (var i:int=0; i<userPrefArray.length; i++){
var prefString:String = userPrefArray*;
fileData += '<USER:userSettings noFeed="'+ prefString + '" />';
fileData += "</USER:userSettings>";
fileData += '</USER:prefs>';
fs.writeUTFBytes( fileData );
savePreferences_mc.prefStatus_txt.text = "Your preferences have been saved!";
function onFileStreamComplete( event:Event ):void {
var fs:FileStream = event.target as FileStream;
Any help would be greatly appreciated, once I’ve solved this problem my app is done!