Hi all,
I’m relatively new to Flash/AS2 and I have a strange problem with a bit of code:
private function GetLastFrameStrokes ():Array
var lCount:Number = m_oFrames.length;
if ( lCount > 0 )
var oFrame:FrameX = m_oFrames[lCount - 1];
if ( oFrame.HasStrokes )
**[COLOR=red]return ( oFrame.Strokes );[/COLOR]**
return ( null );
When I have the above code in an .as file, I get a compiler error (this function is not called in the code yet):
The expression returned must match the function's return type.
return ( oFrame.Strokes );
When I change the red line to this:
return ( m_oFrames[lCount - 1].Strokes );
it works fine.
I don’t get this: all objects inside my m_oFrames (:Array) are of type FrameX, just like the local variable oFrame, so oFrame.Strokes and m_oFrames[lCount - 1].Strokes should both evaluate to the same type: Array (the type of the Strokes property.) Is there anything that I miss here?
Any help would be much appreciated!