I’m having an swf with pixelfonts. When rendered, they are sharp.
When I load this swf in another it gets blurry. Into a level or an empty mc, doesn’t mather, they become blurry. No scaling going on, round positioning etc…I use them for years…Is this flash 8?
it is really a flash 8 issue…when I render the swf for player 7, they are sharp when loaden into another movie. When rendered for player 8, they get blurred wherever they are loaded into.
i had the same prob and it drove me mad, its to do with the postion of your text make sure the postion does not contain a decimal value ie if you text is at postion 70.08 make sure its 70.00 flash for what ever reson cant render the font if its not a whole number, so this sovled my prob anyway
Make sure your initial content and the holder MC are not scaled (you see that in the transform panel).
When it really drives me mad I just delete the text field and make a new one.
Worked for me
I have the same problems sometimes.
I mention it especially when I paste a text that is on my clipboard into the textfield, it’s suddenly gets blurry (parts of it!)… I do the same as flashwillkill … delete and make a new one
nowhere scaling going on, position 0.00.
Flash 7 rendering: sharp,
Flash 8 rendering: unsharp.
If there was an issue with scaling or position it would be also bad in flash 7.
I use flash & pixelfonts for years, I know how to use them
Thing is since Flash 8 I got these troubles.
It’s your alias settings on the text box itself. In your properties inspector set it to “Bitmap Text (no anti-alias).” Being able to change a text box’s alias settings is a Flash 8 specific feature, that’s why the problem goes away when you publish for 7.
No no no , I know all that. As I said, When I render the movie itself it is sharp, also for player 8.
It only happens when I load the rendered swf (for player 8) into another mc or level! It must be a bug or something I overlook, I’ve tried quite everything possible (and there aren’t that many :)).
Please try it once.
did you delete it and redo the text as kos010 mentioned. Even your container mc has to be on 0,0 (whole number) and you made sure the texts is 100percent scaled? I’m clueless than
Hm, tried it here and had no problems.
Did you triple check x, y, size … really :smirk2: . That it works for 7 is funky :ponder: .
Did you try with a different font??
Yep, show us the “badboy.fla” … else I join the clueless club.
Somehow I have a feeling it’s going to be “Wooohhh, you won’t believe this, but guess what was the problem” sort of thing