Hello Kirupians, I’ve been struggling with this for almost a day now and I can’t seem to find the problem.
I’m making an instantiated FLV playback class in actionscript 2, but it just doesn’t play the video
Here’s the code, if I uncomment the camera parts and attach _cam instead of _stream it will show the camera feed, it just won’t play my movie (and I get no errors whatsoever).
// Constructor
public function VideoStream(videoHolder:MovieClip) {
trace("[VideoStream] Initated.");
_video = videoHolder;
public function startVideo(videoURL:String):Void {
trace("[VideoStream] Starting video:
URL: "+videoURL+"
Holder: "+_video);
var connection:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
_stream = new NetStream(connection);
//var _cam:Camera = Camera.get();
And here’s the code that runs the class:
videoStream = new VideoStream(videoHolder.videoClip);
Thanks in advance.