Strange php flah mail form

Hello, i have this weird problem.

I made this flash site with a php mail form and everything worked fine till i got a message like this: <TEXTFORMAT LEADING=“2”><P ALIGN=“LEFT”><FONT FACE=“Arial” SIZE=“17”

Ive been using the form from this site tutorial for ages and it worked fine, but now i got this. I changedsomething though, but i dunno why the message changed. I changed the html in publish settings to 100 percent and the topmargin and leftmargin to 0 in the html page, but i dont know why its a problem now (it worked normal from the same site before i changed the margins).

I tested the source files from the tutorial, basically i also chnged the html settings and the margins in the html page but when i sent the message to myself it was NORMAL. So why is my site making trouble ? Please help.