Strange PHP issue, pretty basic

ok… i’m starting to freak out here.

I have this in a php file:

$news1 = "client fills out a form with his info, submits it and than I receive email saying you've received email from Mike below is Mike's info along with 2 buttons (links) to Approve or disaprove";
$news2 = "either way, I can use both. this on eits probably for email. Client info. but if you have for database than I need way way more sophisticated one. something like this";
$news3 = "when user fills outs a form it will also generate a login name and password for him for a login page where heshe can access additional information such as a budget, presentations, marketing tools etc.";
echo 'total=3&total=3&news1='.$news1;

btw, yeah i just copy and pasted some text from the forums…:slight_smile:

And i have this in AS:

   news.onLoad = function() {
    var i:Number = 1;
    while (i< {
     var prev:Number = 0;
     if (i==1) {
      prev = 0;
     } else {
      prev = i-1;
     news_mc["article"+i]._y = (news_mc["article"+prev]._y)+(news_mc["article"+prev]._height)+30
     news_mc["article"+i].createTextField("date"+i, 501+i, 10, 0, 80, 20);
     news_mc["article"+i]["date"+i].text = "SomeDate";
     news_mc["article"+i].createTextField("news"+i, 601+i, 10, 20, 420, 40);
     news_mc["article"+i]["news"+i].multiline = true
     news_mc["article"+i]["news"+i].autoSize = "left";
     news_mc["article"+i]["news"+i].html = true;
     news_mc["article"+i]["news"+i].htmlText = news["news"+i];

and this is what i’m getting: