Strange problem - audio overlap

Hi there,

we’re doing a presentation that involves multiple mpg files loading within the presentation and many voice overs too across the whole length of the presentation.

I have a strange problem when i publish the file. the audio layers overlap. but when we play the flash file everythings’ fine. we’ve put the audio across many layers.

any ideas what happens.

could there be a problem with flash while working on big files. the presentation is abt 101MB in size?
or is the problem in putting many audio layers?

At my wits end… any help would be appreciated.


I got this code today from a post… maybe you could alter it so that when one audio file goes to play…it will set the other audios to 0 volume. I am rather new to flash myself but it seems to make sense…to me…uhhh…lol well it’s the best help I could give.

  • Note: make the audio sounds mc to make this work *

sound1.clip = new Sound();
sound2.clip = new Sound();
sound3.clip = new Sound();

Then set the volumes…


:love: ~ Seretha