Strange problem -> FF / IE flash differences when using iframe

Hi there,

I’m not sure where to put this thread, but it’s my flash movie going nuts, so I thought that this was the best place. Let me explain my problem:

I’m making a site for the band of a friend (he made the layout). He wants the menu to be flash, and he wants a flash animation on the side. The info part should be html. I thought the best way to do this is to overlay html (as an iframe) over flash using divs. Maybe this isnt the best way to do it, so if you think there’s a better way let me know!

When (pre)viewing the site in IE everything is as it should be. But when viewing in FF the buttons are messed up. When you rollover the menuitems like you do in IE (home, kalender, de band, etc) nothing happens, but when you rollover a bit under the buttons the buttons move (like in IE)… why the difference? And how to fix it?

Thanks for reading and helping me out :wink: