I have a main movie which I load a few buttons into in turn. The problem is when I start the movie (during the starting), if I minimize the window and then back to normal window (IE 6.0) some of the buttons espesially those which must appear first does not show up on the screen. They are there and I can click on them and they do their job, but they are invisible
The code I use for loding each button (25 fps):
loadMovie(“myButton.swf”, “butt1”);
setProperty(“butt1”, _x, 425);
setProperty(“butt1”, _y, 150);
setProperty(“butt1”, _alpha, 0);
function reAlpha(clip, targ, speed) {
if (clip._alpha<targ) {
clip._alpha += speed;
} else {
reAlphaInt = setInterval(reAlpha, 20, butt1, 100, 8);