Strange problem loading/unloading a .swf (AS3)

I noticed that I referenced the Kirupa forums often for finding solutions to flash-related problems. When I hit this last issue, this seemed to be the place with the best knowledge base.

Here is my issue: I have a flash site (portfolio), and it uses buttons to load/remove different .swf file (it is an XML gallery that I did not write.) It works perfectly - the FIRST time I load/unload a .swf . . . however, every .swf file loaded after the first one comes in partially transparent (it normally fades in), but otherwise the .swf is fully functional. Each .swf has it’s own unique name/images, but is otherwise identical to the original gallery. It doesn’t matter which one I open first - the first one is always correct, the rest, not. Also, the degree of transparency varies randomly, but generally seems to hover somewhere around 1/2 way.

This is the code I’m using to load the .swf:

var Photo6Gallery:Loader = new Loader();
Photo6Gallery.load(new URLRequest(“Photo6.swf”));

and this is what I use to unload:

Photo6Gallery = null;

I will plainly state - I am a designer, not a programmer, and my knowledge of AS3 is limited. I know that something in the XML gallery is causing this (switch to a completely different .swf and the transparency issues go away), but I also think that I am likely not unloading the .swf correctly and that some part of it is remaining in the memory and creating issues when it is used more than once. Any thoughts/suggestions?