Strange Problem With A Form

Hello. I have a flash site which has a contact form, it sends the data to a PHP script which then emails me the form submission (well at least its supposed to). I am having a problem with it and I can’t seem to figure out what it is. My problem is this: when i test my movie IN flash 8, everything works fine, i fill out the form and everythings works okay and I get the submission in my email. However, once i export the file to .swf, I no longer recieve any form submissions.
I tested it by running the swf file directly from my computer, when i press submit, i get a warning saying “this application is attempting to contact the server…” (where my php script is located) so I know that it is attempting to send the data, but i get nothing.
When I upload the swf file to the web and try run it from there, again, I get nothing in my email.
Can someone please help me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.