wait i seee here it says after the loading you put load bars.swf, but how do i get the loader/bars to line up inside the box…
in the seperate movie for the bars, use x,y to figure out where
they need to be. simple trial and error will do, if nothing else
strikes you as easier.
K I Think i got it… do i make the whole movie the size of the box i wnat it to be inside… or do i place them somewhere on the canvase… ill try both right now
ok so i loadMovie(“song.swf”); which has the song and preloader… then on the frame right after teh preloader i have that frame load the bars.? so i would have to do some major trial an derror to get both right…
ok its not loading at all, i put this action script in
on (release) {
loadMovie(“cheez.swf”, “10”);
and nothign happens…
ok i got it to work kinda… but its not in the right place, and the only way i can find out is if i upload the swf to my ftp and that takes so much time…
you made this a lot harder than necessary.
basically, you should have 3 different movies to play 1 song.
- the butttons & controls
- the bars.swf
- the song.swf
The buttons.swf loads the song.swf which has a preloader holding
the word “loading” in it. Once it loads, song.swf loads bars.swf.
the placement of these bars is easily gotten by making bars.swf
the same stage size as buttons.swf, placing them in the
appropriate postion…
whew! I hope you get this soon…
hahah i did it by trial and error, worked, then i figured out… i could just copy the box, and past it in place… he heh o well it works now THANKS!!!
hahahahha it works http://tek-labs.com/songtext.swf THANKS GUYS!!!1
awesome, nice job cheez00! Glad you got it working the way you
wanted it. =)