Streaming Sound

hey i need help really bad…i want to create a music player (basically play and stop buttons , next ,previous ) …that stream the files …but one lil catch…onload there is a background song that loads automatically…but when i would click on the next song i want the background sound to stop and the new one plays.

i checked that kenny bellew site…one of his way of streaming was u have to load the song first…i dont want a load button in there that only adds to the confusion for regular viewers…(only play and stop, next, previous)…

if anyone can help on that please do…thanx

well I don’t know much about sound, but if you load your background music as a sound object, it should be as easy as:

button1.onRelease = function(){

i want it to load automatically without pressin a button… the buttons will only be for the other songs that people can listen to. that’s the site i’m tryin to get this for.

Have you tried loading the background sound as an object right at the beginning of your movie (first frame)?

how would i do that? will someone check the site and let me know if it loads for them. and can yall play each song on the list…