Hi! I’m looking for some help with it…
Trying to recognize urls from an xml text (as1)
I have not access to edit the xml.
The url is loaded as string, ex: “lorem ipsum dolor sit http://kirupa.com/bla”
The url is not always at the end of the string
I’m loading it and showing as htmlText, but the url is not likeable (coz have no tags T.T )
using split and join i got:
function sar(holder, searchfor, replacement) {
tarray = holder.split(searchfor);
holder = tarray.join(replacement);
return (holder);
myConvertedText = sar("lorem ipsum dolor sit http://kirupa.com/bla", "http://", "<a href='http://");
//result: lorem ipsum dolor sit <a href='http://kirupa.com/bla
As the ur is not ever the last word in the string I can not add the tags at the end…
How can I get, count or recognize the end of url to add the html tags?
any help is very welcome…