String Variables

If i have an ASP page that is returning variables (and I can see them in the debugger) how do i consentrate a string to call that variable?\r\rie:\rvariables being returned are named:\r"res1", “res2”, “res3”…etc\r\rfor (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {\ritem.additem(“res” + i);\r}\r\rdo i use eval? that doesn’t seem to work:\reval(“res” + i)\r\rany help much appreciated…

this line:\ritem.additem(“res” + i);\rshould be this:\ritem.additem(_root[“res” + i]);\r…i am assuming that ‘additem’ is a function in ‘item’ and that ‘res1’ is on the _root timeline.\r:) \rjeremy

Thanks,\r\rI think my biggest problem was that the variables didn’t seem to be loading in time(?)\r\rIf I told the script to play frame 30 where the variables were displayed, nothing would appear in the text boxes…\r\rIf I told the script to play at one frame before the variables were displayed, they would appear…\r\rTiming…timing…timing…\r

Before playing something, use a false/true check on one last var which lets you check everything has loaded in, like lastVar=1, and if(lastVar==1) play…

Thanks to my fellow developers for their assistance, and putting up with my baby-step questions.