Strip URL Content and Grab the Data

Hi all, I have this URL that display date and news title. All i need is grab only news title and direct it on my another site. So far, i have done stripped the date and title but have no idea how to grab only the one i need. Just a few steps away i can be done my job, does anyone here can helping me out? Many thanks :slight_smile:

This is the URL php file:

//Some php and html code here..
<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"> 
    <?php foreach($news as $data){ ?>
    <tr class="black_navi_link">
     <!-- Date display -->
     <td width="75"><?php echo substr($data['Date'],8,2).$news_title['day'][$lang].substr($data['Date'],5,2).$news_title['month'][$lang]; ?></td>
     <!-- Title display -->
     <td width="2"></td>
     <td><a href="javascript:news();" onClick="javascript:ShowNews('<?php echo $data['ID']; ?>');">
     <?php if(strlen($data['Title'])>48){ echo substr($data['Title'],0,48).'...'; }else{ echo $data['Title']; } ?></a></td>
    <?php } ?>
//Some php and html code here...

This is stripped.php

 $file = fopen(, "r");
 $news_to_load = 3;
 $max_loop = 5;
 $loop_times = $max_loop;
 $content = "<table width='100%' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='1' border='0'>";
 while ( !feof($file) && $news_to_load > 0 ){
  $str = fgets($file);
  if ( stristr($str, "<tr class=\"black_navi_link\">") ){
   $news_to_load = $news_to_load - 1;
   $content = $content . $str;
   while ( $loop_times > 0 ){
    $str = fgets($file);
    $str = str_replace("<a href=\"javascript:news();\" onClick=\"javascript:ShowNews('", "<anchor><go href='news.php?nid=", $str);
    $str = str_replace("');\"", "'", $str);
    $str = str_replace("</a>", "</go></anchor>", $str); 
    $content = $content . $str;
    $loop_times = $loop_times - 1;
   $loop_times = $max_loop;
 $content = $content . "</table>";
 echo $content;