Can anyone please help me, I’m pulling me hair out over this.
I know I’ve asked a lot over the last few days but I do very much appreciate it. If its any consolation I do help others on things that I know about such as CSS.
I have this file
I only have three areas working now but you get the idea.
I have the map_mc with the areas all as separate movie clips inside this map container. When you click on each area they zoom and if you click again they zoom out, this is fine.
But say if one area is already zoomed, I want the user to be able to click a different area and this zoom the map back in and then zoom the area thats just been pressed.
Each area has its own scale value and x and y positions.
I’ve been following a tutorial of Lee Brimelows, to get this far but his example is different to mine.
I know I need to use an else statement but how??
Could I create an array to hold the values and use that somehow?
my code so far
import gs.TweenLite;
import gs.easing.*
//Event Listeners for Map Areas
map_mc.wales_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, zoomWales);
map_mc.southWest_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, zoomSouthWest);
map_mc.southEast_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, zoomSouthEast);
//Varaible to hold current in focus area
var inFocus:MovieClip;
//Functions for Map Area Zooms
function zoomWales(event:MouseEvent):void
var mc:MovieClip = MovieClip(event.currentTarget);
if (inFocus == null) {, 1, {scaleX:3.5, scaleY:3.5, x:560, y:-92, ease:Sine.easeOut});
inFocus = mc;
else if (inFocus == mc) {, 1, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, x:332, y:270, ease:Sine.easeOut, onComplete:function(){inFocus = null;}});
function zoomSouthWest(event:MouseEvent):void
var mc:MovieClip = MovieClip(event.currentTarget);
if (inFocus == null) {, 1, {scaleX:2.5, scaleY:2.5, x:427, y:-114, ease:Sine.easeOut});
inFocus = mc;
else if (inFocus == mc) {, 1, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, x:332, y:270, ease:Sine.easeOut, onComplete:function(){inFocus = null;}});
function zoomSouthEast(event:MouseEvent):void
var mc:MovieClip = MovieClip(event.currentTarget);
if (inFocus == null) {, 1, {scaleX:3, scaleY:3, x:123, y:-150, ease:Sine.easeOut});
inFocus = mc;
else if (inFocus == mc) {, 1, {scaleX:1, scaleY:1, x:332, y:270, ease:Sine.easeOut, onComplete:function(){inFocus = null;}});