Rite guys I’m hoping this will be relatively straightforward lol
Here is my array, its pretty simple
var goForw = new Array(15);
for (var i = 0; i<=goForw.length-1; i++) {
if (locate == i){
This checks to see if the variable ‘i’ is equal to a number between 1 and 15, then once the number is equal, it adds to itself by 1
now… heres where I’m running into a snag, I want to call a function based on the result of the added number…
for example,
if (locate == 1){
call function ‘question2’ [COLOR=Gray]<-- question[i+1][/COLOR]
so my initial value ‘locate’ is added to by 1, then i want to put that array number at the end of a function and call it… (there are 15 questions and 15 functions already created, so if the question is called it calls a function to play the next one)
so my question is… what should the syntax be to call this?
questioni+1; [COLOR=Gray]for example??[/COLOR]
does that make sense?
I don’t think this would be a hard task… maybe it is? I just can’t seem to figure it out
thanks for any help