Stuck on website design. The menu

I’m redesigning for my sister. And I’ve been stuck for hours. I can’t figure out how to do the menu or even what font to choose.

Heres the base of it:

Edit: She decided to have her other logo there instead. So now it looks like this:

I’m rewriting the post since some things changed and the last one was rather messy.

I need to make a menu with 12 links, soom with sublinks. My options are to either put it at the top or on the left. I can’t come up with a design I like for either. If I make a menu to the left I think I need to fill the gap between the logo and the art to the top right. More art? If not, any ideas on how to make a menu up there that looks good?

Any ideas are appriciated here. I can’t come up with anything. Thanks!

[whisper]god I hate making sites for relatives and the like. They always want impossible sites. “I want a very exciting site. And I want it to be very plain.” “I need it to look very proffesional. No, I want comic sans, why cant we use that?” dies[/whisper]