Stuck on xml menu

heya folks

I can’t get the submenu fired from the mainmenu mc…

the thing is I’l like both the main- and sub menu items to be dynamic so your able to ad a new mainmenu item with whatever submenuitems…

I can launch the first node from submenu items with this…

myXML = new XML();
myXML.ignoreWhite = true;
myXML.ref = this;

item_count =0;
item_spacing = 30;

function displayText(){
    testDisplay_mc.test_txt.text = this.description_text

myXML.onLoad = function(success) {
        if (success) {
                // use XPath to select the node we want
                path = "data/work[@categorie='Web']";
                var nodes:Array = mx.xpath.XPathAPI.selectNodeList(this.firstChild, path);
                for (var i in nodes) {
                        var subnodes = nodes*.childNodes;
                        item_mc = container_mc.attachMovie("item","item"+item_count,i);
                        item_mc._y = item_spacing*i;
                        item_mc.item_txt.text = subnodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue
                        item_mc.description_text = subnodes[1].firstChild.nodeValue
                        item_mc.onRelease = displayText;

        } else {
                trace("Error loading XML document");

but I can’t get both describtion a and b out on different mc’s…

any suggestions?

heres my xml for good maesure

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <work categorie="Web">
    <work categorie="Print">
    <work categorie="Web">
    <work categorie="Print">
    <work categorie="Web">
 <work categorie="Web">
