works perfectly in safari, opera, and firefox…
in ie the content just flows right over the border on the right along with the pictures (i use float:right)… ie seems to have no care for css dimensions… the stylesheet is located at if somebody would be kind enough to check it out for me…
basically my code looks like this… (not actual code… just my workflow)
<div id="banner"><span class="login">Login area</span><span class="tabs">My tabs</span><span class="banner"><img src="banner"></span></div>
<div id="sublinks">this is my sub links section</div>
<div id="content"> and this is my content area.. there's always one photo being displayed that's supposed to float to the right of the content section</div>
and my stylesheet looks like:
#content {
#banner {
.banner img{
hopefully the coding above provides enough to make a diagnosis on the problem and i won’t have to restructure anything… thanks