Stupid pre-loader question

Hey all,

I’m working on a pre-loader for this flash site, and it just won’t work. I am getting so frustrated because it’s probably a simple oversight on my part, but I just can’t find it. This EXACT same code works perfect on another flash document, but won’t on this one. Here’s the code:

Frame #1 (has a dynamic text box with “Var: loaderPercent”)

percentLoaded = int((_framesloaded/_totalframes)*100);
loaderPercent = percentLoaded/10;
if( loaderNumber > 95) { gotoAndPlay(3); }

Frame #2


Frame #3-20
this is just a timeline animation closing the loader graphics before shooting over to frame 1 of the next scene

This swf is being published as Flash v6/AS 2.0. What’s happening is when I go to the page online that loads this swf, it just sits there blank and frozen until it’s loaded in full, then pops to frame 1 once, then immediately goes to frame 3 and plays. It won’t show and update the preload status.

Any suggestions? This should be such a simple thing, I can’t figure out why it works on one swf but not this one.

Thanks much!