Stuuupid question

hey girls and boys - this feels like a silly question. but what the hey…

making a simple motion tween, but some of the content disappears during the move.

see here what i mean:

why does the text disappear? i want it to slide on as the picture slides off.


Which text, the open and close buttons or the informative text showing your links, writing, and project?

delete the tween and second keyframe then recreate it.

i’m trying to make all the text slide into view as the picture moves off. the “close” button as well as all the links to my projects and writing, etc.

as for second keyframing, i’m not sure what you mean.

sorry - can you explain a little more?

thanks for the help guys.

I think what Taylor is saying is that sometimes things just get screwy during motion and shape tweens. You can try deleting all the frames from the keyframe where you still see the object onward and recreate the tween from there.