Hi Friends,
i have problem in my flash styleSheet. i add this script,
import TextField.StyleSheet;
var myStylesheet:TextField.StyleSheet = new TextField.StyleSheet();
myStylesheet.setStyle(“a:link”,{color:"#990000", fontSize:“12px”, textDecoration:“underline”});
myStylesheet.setStyle(“a:hover”,{color:"#FF0000", fontSize:“12px”, textDecoration:“underline”});
var id:Number = this.getNextHighestDepth();
var field1:TextField = this.createTextField(“field”+id, id, 20, 20, 300, 150);
field1.wordWrap = true;
field1.multiline = true;
field1.html = true;
field1.border = true;
field1.styleSheet = myStylesheet;
field1.htmlText = “<a href=’www.google.com’>This is a link with a hover state!</a> This is some more text, just to see how it looks.”;
but its not display(output). what can i do for solve this problem…
Vijayan M