Submenu won't stay put

Just want to start off by saying this is an excellent forum and thanks for all the information, now here’s my problem.

I’ve been messing around with smooth rollover effects for buttons and I’ve finally gotten it the way I like it. My only problem is I want the effect, which happens to be a submenu, to stay in place when it reaches the end. When the user rolls out on the button the effect reverses. Is there something in the effect I need to set code wise or in the main code itself. I’m not the greatest with AS so any help would be greatly appreciated.

effect.onEnterFrame = function() {
	(animation) ? effect.nextFrame() : effect.prevFrame();
button.onRollOver = function() {
	animation = true;
button.onRollOut = function() {
	animation = false;
button.onRelease = function(){ 

P.S. Thanks to all the posters in this thread, it helped me out a ton.