Submit button colors

ok i posted about 6 months ago with a request for the code on how to change the look of a submit button

you no the little gray button like on

anyway i think it was wiped from the forums becoz i can’t find it

can anyone post the code for my

i think it was css or something

thanks alot


i’m not sure about the CSS, but it’s limiting as far as what you could do with it. you can, however, use an image as a submit button.

the code would look something like what follows:

<input name="image" type="image" src="submitButton.gif" alt="" width="77" height="18" border="0">

thanks alot that is even better

thanks alot man:)

anytime chris, glad i could help!

hey one last thing i keep ****ing this up

<!-- Atomz Search HTML for Grand Theft Auto guide -->
<form method="get" action="">
<input size=15 name="sp-q"><br>
<input type=submit value="Search">
<input type=hidden name="sp-a" value="sp10028986">
<input type=hidden name="sp-p" value="all">
<input type=hidden name="sp-f" value="ISO-8859-1">

thats the code were do i add yours to make a picture the buttton

is it this line

<input type=submit value="Search">

please help me anyone i really need this

were in this code

<!-- Atomz Search HTML for Grand Theft Auto guide -->
<form method="get" action="">
<input size=15 name="sp-q">
<input type=submit value="Search">
<input type=hidden name="sp-a" value="sp10028986">
<input type=hidden name="sp-p" value="all">
<input type=hidden name="sp-f" value="ISO-8859-1">

do i add "the code to make it a picture submit button not a gray one

chris, you don’t have to post more than one time repeatedly about the same thing, that won’t get your question answered faster.

anways, i made a small example. check it out at:

the code to make that was as follows:

<!-- Atomz Search HTML for Grand Theft Auto guide -->
<form method="get" action="">
<input size=15 name="sp-q">
<input type="image" value="Search" src="subscribe.gif" alt="" width="77" height="18" border="">
<input type=hidden name="sp-a" value="sp10028986">
<input type=hidden name="sp-p" value="all">
<input type=hidden name="sp-f" value="ISO-8859-1">

just replace the values in my code for the values that suit your project. hope that helped. :slight_smile:

thank you Liam