Submit damn you, submit!

Ok this is easy i am sure but I am stuck. Basically its this simple form…

   <form action="send_it.asp" method="post" name="emailform" >
 <input type="text" name="email_address_sender" size="40" >
<a href="#" onclick="return checkForm(document.emailform)" class="button" id="buttonOK">

which submits to this simple email validation function, which works if the email is incorrect, but of ots correct it wont submit to my “send_it.asp” page any ideas guys???

function isEmpty( str){
    strRE = new RegExp( );
    strRE.compile( '^[\s ]*$', 'gi' );
    return strRE.test( str.value );

function notValidEmail( str ){
    mailRE = new RegExp( );
    mailRE.compile( '^[\._a-z0-9-]+@[\.a-z0-9-]+[\.]{1}[a-z]{2,4}$', 'gi' );
    return !(mailRE.test( str.value ));

function notChecked( box ){
    if( box.checked ){
        return false;
        return true;

//it accepts "form" as parameter
function checkForm( form ){

    //lets check if Name text field is empty. This field has name "name".
    if( isEmpty( ) ){
        alert( 'Name is required field!' );
        return false;

    //now let's check if email is correct. This field name is "email"
    if( notValidEmail( form.email_address_sender ) ){
        alert( 'Please enter a valid email address' );
        return false;

    //now let's check if checkbox is checked. This field name is "subscribe"
    if( notChecked( form.subscribe ) ){
        alert( 'Subscribe box is required field!' );
        return false;
    alert('Form is okay!!!');
    return false;
