Submit Here (July 5 - July 11)

image in left frame is missing for me!? ok, here’s the site…ah, you do like hr gigger, don’t you? cool. glad i’m not “alone in the dark”, lol add a cancel button to “contact” & “subscribe” sections… cool site, but why the pop-up for content? pop-up pop-up pop-up…every other site…

Very nice splash animation! The site seems a tad bit cluttered, and I couldn’t find a way to mute the sound. The content and colors are excellent, but I think a cleaner, simpler version without overwhelming the viewer with material would be better.

I like the layout, but I’m not too fond of the wallpapers. A lot of them remind me of stuff from and
The loading time of the site is a bit heavy, but it’s worth the wait. Too bad the wallpapers aren’t as original as the layout.

long preloader for a short intro, another long preloader…and another preloader (nice, but still…) for each & every section, even the contact part! sorry, that’s too much wait for not enuff content here, like some parts of the design, nice chicks too, but that’s it. worst of all, where’s the close button for the fullscreen window?!

Forcing me to be in full screen is a tad annoying, but the site - once loaded - is very good. The images are high-quality, and the content is nice also. One suggestion would be to work on the colors for the pre-loader; it takes away from the professionalism of the site. Overall, excellent site.

Nice images and nice effects. What killed it for me was the fullscreen mode which I hate. If you’re going to use fullscreen then atleast provide a way for the user to close it.

detection page with a header saying i ain’t got the plug, then the test says i do…make your mind up, ragazzo! Love the nav system at 1st sight, original & working really well. nice site, but if it’s more for b2b contacts, make the contact more visible & add a form, not just a mail button/ if it’s also a showcase as the client links suggest, once you click on one of 'em (i tested “savarent”), it takes a hell of a long time to load just 4 pictures and some text…

Nice, clean, and simple site with a very nice navigation. Sectioning the page is quite creative, and the content is laid out in a relatively logical fashion. Nice work.

Pretty slick miniml look with nice effects. This was one of my favorites this week.

<b>st cleve</b>
man, ages to load!! pop-up… content…well if you compare this to the other sites, you’ll know why you didn’t make it… that’s why i think we maybe should split SOTW up into pro/amateur… this is more a submission for sitecheck…

Interesting site to say the least. The colors are pretty cool and the use of different fonts a little mind-boggling. One suggestion would be prevent content from overlapping with other content. It’s a nuisance to have to close any open sections before accessing another section - for the text becomes jumbled up with the text from any previously opened sections.

This is one of those sites when you see the splash page you know they’re not going to win. Once I saw the geocity popup, I knew this was a waste of my time.
First off, the site has a splash page that opens up another splash page just to enter the site.
Second, I don’t like the color scheme much, don’t even know what the theme of the site is.
Last, I don’t like how your content overlaps each other unless you manually close those windows.

pop-up…ok, nice site, nice navigation, what i don’t like are the colors, too pale/grey-ish…but functionality is ok and easy access. Cool

Excellent design and use of color. The background images are really nice, and the navigation is easy to follow. Overall, an excellent site.

Just awesome, I love the layout and how simple it is, but yet eye catching as well. The effects are smooth and the design is clean.