Submit Here (July 5 - July 11)

If you wish to be considered for the SOTW for July 5 - July 11, 2003, please read the summary of rules:

  1. Reply by the end of Friday, July 11 to be considered for this week’s award.

  2. Include the URL and your email address.

Only the webmaster/creator of the site can submit.

Only one submission per person per week.

Submissions are capped at 10 each week, so don’t wait or hesitate until the last minute.

Include a brief synopsis of your site inluding its purpose, or maybe some features you wouldn’t want anyone to miss.

  1. Websites submitted must be at least 90% Flash. Sites that have HTML pages with a Flash intro are ineligible.

  2. While it is understood that sites are perpetually under construction, please submit only complete sites. Do not submit a site that is less than 80% finished.

  3. Submissions must be actual websites with sections and content. Examples of ineligible include (but not limited to) flash games, movies, etc.

  4. There will be a private poll among the moderators and a winner will be announced by Tuesday of that week.

  5. No critiques or feedback is allowed in the submission thread. If you wish a concentrated critique of your site, you may start a thread in Site Check. However, mod critiques will be posted when a winner has been selected.

For more information or questions, please refer to the Official SOTW Rules. Once you have read and understand the rules above, you may submit your site to this thread. Sites not adhering to the rules above will be disqualified and deleted. Submitting your site is an agreement and acceptance of the rules.

Kitiara and Mods

Name : Sheldon Rodrigues
Email :
Url :
Info : Personal Digital Art-folio where the creativity flows.

Name: Hugo Larcher
Site URL:
Online Portfolio, check the logo in the site and some details in the bottom of the imterface, also in the high-brandwidth version the button effects and sound fx.

Dashiell Ponce de Leon

Hybrid site for avionics company.


Richard Hudeczek

personal site

Name: Uros Otasevic
Site URL:

This is a site done for local distributors of Redken 5th Avenye NYC Company. Besides standard content there is Guest book, Ask a Question and Product Recomender (JSP driven search).
Front End is 100% Flash MX.
Back End: JSP, Servlets, EJB, PostgreSql 7.3, Tomcat - on Linux.
Unfortunately site is only in Serbian language, but since it’s 90% graphics, and 1 picture is worth 1000 words I’m sure you will manage thru. (-:

Name:Sherwin Magsino

Philippine-based graphic and web designers showcasing
team’s expertise in various design media application.

Name: Ben Hantoot

V4 of my Flash portfolio; don’t miss the transitions! :wink:

Name: Joe Miller

Flash portfolio with original, downloadable music tracks.

this site has a few neat things on it…this is also my first time doing this, so, i hope it looks right!!!

aim: thestcleve

the name of my site is called “turner jump evaluation”, it is a documentation of myself, including art work, flash videos, and other information about my hometown and whats happening…

Name: Fabio De Gregorio
It rocks!!

That’s ten submissions reached, and the cut off for this week, thank you people. :slight_smile:

Anyone wishing to submit for SotW, a new thread for the forthcoming week will be posted tomorrow.

After the voting, the results are as follows:

P3rpl3xity 0%
ItWorks 0%
FlashLevel 50.00%
Eisbaer 10.00%
SherwinM 0%
Polkiousness 0%
Grotesk 40.00%
Saint Cleve 0%
Fabfab 0%
Zenith 0%

Congratulations to FlashLevel for winning this week’s SOTW! You will be featured on the main page of for this week. You may also post a graphical award from this page:

Good job to all the participants. One of the valuable aspects of SOTW is to get valuable feedback about your site and get an idea of how well it stands beside some of the best on the web. Mod critiques will be posted shortly.

image in left frame is missing for me!? ok, here’s the site…ah, you do like hr gigger, don’t you? cool. glad i’m not “alone in the dark”, lol add a cancel button to “contact” & “subscribe” sections… cool site, but why the pop-up for content? pop-up pop-up pop-up…every other site…

Very nice splash animation! The site seems a tad bit cluttered, and I couldn’t find a way to mute the sound. The content and colors are excellent, but I think a cleaner, simpler version without overwhelming the viewer with material would be better.

I like the layout, but I’m not too fond of the wallpapers. A lot of them remind me of stuff from and
The loading time of the site is a bit heavy, but it’s worth the wait. Too bad the wallpapers aren’t as original as the layout.

long preloader for a short intro, another long preloader…and another preloader (nice, but still…) for each & every section, even the contact part! sorry, that’s too much wait for not enuff content here, like some parts of the design, nice chicks too, but that’s it. worst of all, where’s the close button for the fullscreen window?!

Forcing me to be in full screen is a tad annoying, but the site - once loaded - is very good. The images are high-quality, and the content is nice also. One suggestion would be to work on the colors for the pre-loader; it takes away from the professionalism of the site. Overall, excellent site.

Nice images and nice effects. What killed it for me was the fullscreen mode which I hate. If you’re going to use fullscreen then atleast provide a way for the user to close it.

detection page with a header saying i ain’t got the plug, then the test says i do…make your mind up, ragazzo! Love the nav system at 1st sight, original & working really well. nice site, but if it’s more for b2b contacts, make the contact more visible & add a form, not just a mail button/ if it’s also a showcase as the client links suggest, once you click on one of 'em (i tested “savarent”), it takes a hell of a long time to load just 4 pictures and some text…

Nice, clean, and simple site with a very nice navigation. Sectioning the page is quite creative, and the content is laid out in a relatively logical fashion. Nice work.

Pretty slick miniml look with nice effects. This was one of my favorites this week.

<b>st cleve</b>
man, ages to load!! pop-up… content…well if you compare this to the other sites, you’ll know why you didn’t make it… that’s why i think we maybe should split SOTW up into pro/amateur… this is more a submission for sitecheck…

Interesting site to say the least. The colors are pretty cool and the use of different fonts a little mind-boggling. One suggestion would be prevent content from overlapping with other content. It’s a nuisance to have to close any open sections before accessing another section - for the text becomes jumbled up with the text from any previously opened sections.

This is one of those sites when you see the splash page you know they’re not going to win. Once I saw the geocity popup, I knew this was a waste of my time.
First off, the site has a splash page that opens up another splash page just to enter the site.
Second, I don’t like the color scheme much, don’t even know what the theme of the site is.
Last, I don’t like how your content overlaps each other unless you manually close those windows.

pop-up…ok, nice site, nice navigation, what i don’t like are the colors, too pale/grey-ish…but functionality is ok and easy access. Cool

Excellent design and use of color. The background images are really nice, and the navigation is easy to follow. Overall, an excellent site.

Just awesome, I love the layout and how simple it is, but yet eye catching as well. The effects are smooth and the design is clean.

pop-up…but this one got blocked!! no indication on how much is loading, so no idea how long it’ll take, hate that!! and sorry, that was really too long, so no comments on this (i’m on cable, yes…)

Very cool intro and music! The colors are excellent, and the text is legible! The transitions are very good, the text rollovers are very addictive, and did I mention the music is very nice? The color and sound options are very thoughtful - excellent work.

The effects are pretty smooth, but the transition effects between each section is just too long. It’s like watching an intro for each section so it gets tiring fast.

<b>Sherwin M</b>
nice intro pic & NO POP-UP! good after navigating tru’ all the sections, why do i get a load anim again when i click back to “home” which should be loaded already? where’s the “contact” link!!! you want to make business? (too many “dreams” in the intro text…) not bad, but not convincing…

Pretty cool - kinda 2A like. The transitions are nice, and the site, overall, is very refined. A suggestion would be to work on the colors used. I don’t think the green color suits the blue/gray style of most of the site. Also, there is a lack of consistency in the amount of content featured in the middle, top, and the footer. Some design in the header (top) might help to balance out the animation.

Pretty cool layout, but the loading sequence aren’t as smooth as the other sites posted. What I do like is the variety of colors though, but some of the images appear a tad pixelated.

this should be named "EYEZ"baer! Lol nice 3d look, very clean, all in one simple interface…didn’t know there was good austrian websites around liked & approved.

Nice site. The layout seems a little bit cluttered, and some of the images have jagged images. Besides those minor quibbles, and the lack of an easy way to find the sound mute button (I found it eventually), the site is very good.

Interesting layout, kind of reminds me of Whoswe Studios though. I like the beat playing, very soothing. The only thing I would like to see is a percentage loader instead of blinking load text.

i clicked on the login button (without filling out the fields) while waiting for load, and get an error page with no way back…no menu loaded, no link back, no more content…hmmm…am i supposed to know that the back button works? coz it doesn’t look like you changed pages, so why would you click “back” (novice internet users pt of view…) Main page of sales/packages: looks like the 1st price is a bit high compared to the others…maybe missing a dot…? Well designed site, fullfills it purpose, looks good.

Excellent! A great combination of Flash and HTML; the text is legible and the special effects in the menu are really neat.

The effects are smooth and nice. The layout is clean and organized. I love the nav buttons, pretty slick. Not much more to say.

ok, that’s cool, i love the aqua look, everthing works well (maybe improve the e-mail validation a bit…sorry for that…), even tho’ the overall look is a bit pale (i like vivid colors!), i like this. not very inovative, but nice.

Cool interface and colors; very futuristic! The font is slightly illegible in certain areas because of the blue text color and blue background. Great site overall!

Already commented on this site in Site Check, none of the suggestions have been considered and no changes were made so I’m not going to waste my time critiqing this one.

Further to the issue being rasied that FlashLevel’s site is not 90% Flash, according to the rules the site is ineligible for SotW on this occasion. The winner therefore is Grotesk this week.

However, in light of this, we are changing the rules from now on. FlashLevel had a great site and we think SotW should encompass this kind of thing, even though it wasn’t 90% Flash based. :slight_smile: As of this coming week, the bar is moved down to 60% Flash.

Flashlevel, you’re more than welcome to re-submit your site.