Suggestion about masks and arrays (?)

hi to all,
in a new project I have to load from library some galleries inside a mask (the second one) chosing one of them from a masked menu scrolling inside another mask (the first one).

Both Movieclips are code-moved through arrows (for true, the first from a really complicated wheel, but let’s say it’s the same for the sake of this clue…)

Please gimme an advise: how would you organize the work??
I was wondering about a varibles system, something like it: when in first mask “gamma” is visible:

var gamma:Boolean = false;

if (firstMc._y = 100) {
gamma = true;
secondMC.loader.attachMovie(“colors2”, “colors2_mc”, getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:100, _y:100}));

… but I don’t know if this is the best method. Maybe it could be easier with an array…

well, any help will be really appreciated
thank you in advance