Suggestion for music

I have a suggestion about music - there are people out there that spend their entire time on music production as we all know , and I think it would be really good if this forum had a section for music, originally created and produced music(not as in promoting ‘bands’).It is is a special field that is often overlooked or just ignorantly acknowledged. You see great sites with crappy techno ‘musac’ loops and no1 seems to know what standards are there. I would like to see a section on kirupa devoted to web audio executed for everyone to compare.

If the demand is there, there is certainly a possibility for the inclusion of a section on music. However, based on what has been posted and inquired about in the past, there just doesn’t seem to be one… at least not from our user base at current time.

Perhaps a site could be set up for audio specialists to create a sound loop and members could vote on the best? But with rules to say nothing can be borrowed or brought in from sound libraries and such- it must be created solely within cubase forinstance with original compositions. We all have ears- I know kirupa must have links with audio experts.
I’m not an audio engineer/composer but I know ones out there that spend long hours on it and are a breed apart. Like the flash gurus who are originators of code created from maths expertise.
Surely it’s an integral part of FLASH design and needs to be given a platform of it’s own.