Suggestions for the color of the border

Hey, this is my first thread in here (like, omg, the emotions ^^)

We’ve got something here in Romania, at the end of the school year, which would translate to “Computer science degree”. It’s a… test, where you show off something you’ve done across the year, explaining to the jury how you’ve done it.

I’ve decided to make (yet another) copy of the Atari game “Asteroids”. I’m doing it in Flash, but compiling it to .exe with Zinc.

I’m fine with the design and the development of it (of course any advice is welcomed), the only one thing I can’t get settled is the color of the border. I can’t make it white, you’d barely see it. I got some suggestions, but this is the best I could come up with. Now I know there are some pretty cool guys regarding design and color palettes around here, so I’m humbly asking for your service.

Here’s a link to a printscreen, so you can make an idea of how it looks like. (that gray thing in the right area isn’t the ship, it’s the cursor ^^ )

Thanks for taking the time.
