Swap depth...elegantly

I’d like to ask 4 some help regarding swap depth. I’d like to do this in a more elegant way, because currently I’'m loading external movies into a greater and greater level. It’s working alright, but the final effect is really not what I want to do…
What I’d like it to do is:
1, Load a movie_1 in (let’s say) level3
2. load movie_2 in level 4, when it loaded I’d like to unload movie_1
3. load movie_2 into level three so if I press button nr 3, 4 5 etc,
the corresponding external swf is level 4.

So basicly I want to load a movie in a higher level that the previos movie, when it is loaded want to delete the movie under it and swap depth to the lower level.

Hopefully I didn’t explane it to hard:)

Any ways find my current solution @ the following link: