I have a MC and put this code in it:
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
} else {
This was for the button to scale backwards and forwards smoothly…
Well the problem is that the in the movie clip the oblject scales bigger and scales over another button (witch is a similiar mc as the one that goes over). And I want that MC under it to pop on top when i put my mouse over it. I tried puttin it into another Mc and putting this code in the mc.
…I just simply want the mc’s(button) to be arranged in front with actionscript. an in rollOver state. BTW very hard to explain coz of my english and flash skills :D. But if some of you understood and better yet know an answer for my problem i’m ready to do other way.