i have two buttons, each calls up a different movie clip to the stage. when you click each button again, the movieclip closes. i’m trying to figure out how to make it so that if one button’s movie clip is open and you click another button, the second buttons movieclip will swap places with the first. (for instance if you click button 1 then button 2 without closing the button 1 movie clip, they overlap) i’m including the file too. the buttons im talking about are the 2nd and third from the left. thanks!
bump * man no one seems to be able to figure this out ;(
i wasn’t exactly sure what you’re getting at, but maybe this is it? if not, be a little more specific.
Yeah, I’m not quite sure what you mean, but I’m fairly certain there’s a swapdepth function which will interchange their layers on the stage.
yeah, i used swapDepth.
sorry about not being specific enough. ok, when you open my file and test it, there are 3 buttons. buttons 2 and 3 are the only ones that have functions right now. when you click button 2 it brings up movie clip 2 on the stage, and when you click button 2 again, movie clip 2 closes. button 3 does the same, only with movie clip 3. the problem is, if you click button 2 once and movie clip 2 is open, then you click button 3 once, movieclip 3 will overlap movieclip 2 in a very ugly annoying way because movieclip 2 will still be open. what i want to do is make it so that when movie clip 2 is open and you click button 3, movie clip 3 will open, but movie clip 2 will close. this is what i mean by swapping. not neccessarily swap depth. hope yall can help!
how about this. i just added the outro sequence of mc2 to the release of button 3 in the if statement and vice versa.
wow looks good but i notice that when you click button 3 part of movieclip 2’s fade is visible and overlapping. i know that it’s just the outro sequence, but its kind of strange looking to appear when you first click button 3. any way to get rid of that. if that was gone it will be pretty much just how i wanted it!
whoa i solved it thanks dude! just removed the outro sequence all together, still looks ok
if you don’t want to remove the outro sequence, just change the gotoAndPlay(2) to gotoAndStop(whatever frame shows mc2 empty). that change would go in your on release for button 3.