Swf broken in FF


I have created the image gallery with xml using the tutorial on the site. I did the part with the thumbnails but they don’t show up in IE however the pictures does and I can flip thorugh them. But if I try to view the site in Firefox the images dosn’t get loaded at all. Also, the loader bar dosn’t animate in eather browser. I would really appriciate it if someone would help me fix it. thx in advance.

btw, here’s my site, www.bryggeriet.tk click on ‘velkommen’ to be taken to the site, the gallery is located under ‘Gutta’

oops! you’ve got the wrong slashes in your image paths.

Ok, I changed the slashes to / and uploaded the thumbnails but it still dosn’t work in FF and I can’t get the thumbnails to display in eather browser. thx for for helping me eliminate one problem though.

I searched around the forum and found the solution to why my thumbs aren’t showing up. If you go back to my page you’ll see it’s fixed now (at least in IE, still nothing in FF) but I have the problem that the scrolling dosn’t work correctly. Any ideas, and also as I mentioned nothing works in FF. appriciate it,


it works fine for me in firefox (on a mac). images show up and thumbnails too. i see that your scroller is messed up, it only scrolls up, but i don’t know what’s wrong there without seeing the code.