Swf.files showing off stage action

I am trying to put together my students Flash “Jukebox,s”
as a projector.
I have created an intro/index with a link to their swf. files.
i have published the “intro/index” as a projector linking to all the
appropriate swf. files,this in itself seems to work fine.
But i am having trouble with some of the swf .files showing all the of screen action,is there something i have missed?
i would greatly appreciate any help here.
I hope i have explained the situation clearly.

It probably has something to do with how the students published their .swf’s. When you publish a swf you can select to publish it at a percentage (%) instead of pixel size (ie. 640x480). When a swf has been published using 100% it will automatically resize to fit and fill in the window.

If I have understood your problem correctly just have your students republish their swf’s using a pixel size instead of percentage.

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

thanks for that will try.