Hey everyone,
I was wondering if there was a way to bring an existing .swf file into a flash file so it will play and can be used when in another flash file. If there is how is it done. Please Help - I can’t figure it out.
how do i have an SWf palying immeditely upo frame loading, pleas help, I am stuck
i have tried
onclipevent (load) (loadmovie(“themovie.swf”,1);
i have tried
onclipevent (load)container.loadmovie(“themovie.swf”,1);
and also
onclipevent (load)loadmovie(“themovie.swf”,container.);
nothing seem to work.
what i want to accomplish is
that once i enter a prticular frame: in my case frame one:)
the xternal swf should play immediately
pleeeeesa help