Swf launching swf

i don’t know if it’s the right section, and i’ve been a bit rushy, i haven’t searched the forum for the actual issue, so this might go as redundant.

but nonetheless, here’s the thing. i have a main swf file, let’s call it main.swf . in this swf, i have only a button. so, when you play the swf, you’ll only see the button. when you click that button, [and here’s the fun part] i would want another swf to be launched, let’s call it second.swf [not launched in main.swf, and not in a browser of some sort either]. so, when you press the button in main.swf, another swf file apears, called second.swf.

does it make any sense? and more importantly, is there any way to do this? i am way to not-experienced to think of a way [all i can think of is fscommand and javascript…but nothing concrete]. any kind of help would be greatly appreciated.

one other thing to add…if it’s of any use. this thing won’t be done online…everything will be taking place on the computer.
