Swf not loading into scrollPane

I am loading a menu consisting of a library of items, based on my XML file into a combo box. I have menu working correctly. When I click on an library item in the combo box, it’s supposed to load the items into my scrollPane called “thumbs”. Now what is happening is, the appropriate number of items are getting loaded to the scrollPane in the form of a movieClip called appropriately “thumbs_mc”, but the actual swf doesn’t get loaded. I can’t seem to figure out whats going on.

Any help appriciated.

var myXML:XML = new XML();
myXML.ignoreWhite = true;
libraryList_ar = new Array();
combo_list.dataProvider = libraryList_ar;
myXML.onLoad = function(success) {
 if (success) {
  var libraries = this.firstChild;
  var dValue = this.firstChild.attributes.name;
  combo_list.textField.label.text = "Library";
  var libCount = libraries.childNodes.length;
  var libItems = libraries.firstChild.childNodes.length;
  for (var i = 0; i<libCount; i++) {
   //libraryList_ar* = libraries.childNodes*.childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue;
   libraryList_ar* = new Object();
   libraryList_ar*.label = libraries.childNodes*.attributes.Text;
   libraryList_ar*.data = libraries.childNodes*;
   //save reference here
loading_txt.autoSize = true;
loading_txt.text = "";
loading_txt._visible = false;
// resize loading images to thumbnail size
var MAX_WIDTH:Number = 50;
var MAX_HEIGHT:Number = 50;
var mcl:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
var mclListener:Object = new Object();
mclListener.onLoadInit = function(mc:MovieClip) {
 loading_txt.text = "Loading...";
 // set variables to keep the original image dimensions
 var xw = mc._width;
 var xh = mc._height;
 // where image width is greater than image height
 if (mc._width>mc._height) {
  mc._width = MAX_WIDTH;
  mc._height = (mc._height*MAX_WIDTH)/xw;
  // center image
  mc._y = (75-mc._height)/2;
 //where image height is greater than image width
 if (mc._height>mc._width) {
  mc._height = MAX_HEIGHT;
  mc._width = (mc._width*MAX_HEIGHT)/xh;
  mc._x = (75-mc._width)/2;
 loading_txt._visible = false;
_global.count = 0;
combo_list.change = function(eventObj) {
 var selItem:Object = eventObj.target.selectedItem;
 //trace("Item selected was:  "+selItem.label);
 var itemXML:XMLNode = selItem.data;
 //use saved reference to iterate through childNodes
 for (var idx = 0; idx<itemXML.childNodes.length; idx++) {
  trace("Item includes: "+itemXML.childNodes[idx].attributes.Text);
  var t_mc:MovieClip;
  t_mc = thumbs.content.attachMovie("thumb_mc", "thumb"+idx, idx, this.getNextHighestDepth());
  t_mc._x = 5;
  t_mc._y = 5+(idx*80);
  //this loads the swf into the thumbs scrollPane
  _root["mc"+idx] = new MovieClipLoader();
  _root["mc"+idx].loadClip(itemXML.childNodes[idx].attributes.ItemSWF, t_mc.Container_mc);
  //_root["mc"+idx].loadClip("decals/"+ItemSWF+".swf", t_mc.Container_mc);
  t_mc.idx = idx;
  t_mc.piece = itemXML.childNodes[idx].attributes.ItemSWF;
  t_mc.onRelease = function() {
   // this adds the item to the room
   var tmp:MovieClip = room.content.createEmptyMovieClip("myLoader"+count, count+100);
   mcl.loadClip("decals/"+this.piece+".swf", tmp);
   tmp._x = 100;
   tmp._y =100;
   //trace("tmp= "+tmp);
   _global.temp_mc = tmp;
combo_list.addEventListener("change", combo_list);