Swf open external swf in CD


I’m making my presentation in a Cd. I want open another swf (in new window) from my principal swf.

Help me please

try going to my post Claudio is helping me with something like this …the post is right above urs
((((open application, launch program))))
he is helping me but i think i might be doing something wrong…but it might work for u try it out

I forgot…I’m Mac user…and I don’t want open .exe I want open another swf… Liquidrage: Thanks anyway!

hey …is it ok if it opens in a html page like a net page u know ?

hey try the load movie script
its under (actions>browser/network>loadMovie)
just go to the file u want to open and right click on it or whataver it is for macs and copy the terget path u know? but try this it worked for me i created a button and in that button i put that loadMovie Script and it opend another swf file i put in the URL. it worked fine i hope it works for u to

Yes I did it too…in a web page and it works but…but now I want open swf from the principal swf within a CD…Nothig of html…thanks anyway!!! if you how can I Get it…very very thanks…

ill send u some thing later so that u can download it

if your talking about a projector file yes you can load a external swf into a projector file though if its going to be on a cd i dont see any logic in doign this

Hi GrimDeath;

Sorry my poor english and let me try to explain better…

I’m making my presentation in a CD. In my principal swf…I want a button to open another swf in a new window…

May you teach me how can I get it?


you cannot open a swf file in a new window unless its in a html file

what if you did a geturl code but instead of an url, put a generic file path that all cdroms are usually found in ex: e:\myflasstuff\whatever.swf

*Originally posted by scarce *
**what if you did a geturl code but instead of an url, put a generic file path that all cdroms are usually found in ex: e:\myflasstuff\whatever.swf **

I do not suggest this because a projector file is meant to be run on any computer even one that does not have flash installed, so lets say a user doesnt have flash player he clicks on a link to open a swf or a html page he wont see anything, besides if you are running more than 1 swf at once the computer will start to lag it all depends on how much animation is going on, so thats a big no no even if you are opening a swf in a html window the computer will lag a bit.

When making a CD-Rom based project try to make everything work on the projector file and if your going to add html files with swfs embedded i urge you to dowload the free macromedia showckwave player and include it on the cd, you just have to sign a small form to be able to distribute it, that way if the user doesn have the flash player he can install it because it will be on your cd project.