Swf Print Screen!

It has been done!

One of the best, Flash most wanted features has been developped, and you can download / play with it here:

What is it?
Well, simply Flash sending the screen content to a script (formerly aspx & C#, since today also PHP, yes sir!!) to render it into a bitmap!!
Say thanks to Gregg for this one, great job!
…and spread the word…

awesome! Very cool thing! :wink:

Yup… That was a real good one… :slight_smile:

Just to get rid of any complications… (Correct me if I am wrong…)
That script wasn’t entirely rendering what you see on the screen… It was more likely load the content of each bitmap images and combining them into one…

When I first saw your posting, I thought that now we can create a drawing tool or someting that actually saves what you see on screen, but you still need to have the picture files of the base objects… A little bit disapointing if I may say… :frowning:

Is it really impossible to render whatever you see on the screen to the bitmap image??? :*(

I understand what you mean, the title is a bit misleading, sorry for that, enthusiasm carried me away…
Check this:
let’s you draw and, using MING, save your drawing to an swf.
Now, can this PHP be used to convert the swf to a bitmap?..
Anyway, why would i use Flash/swf and then convert it back (feels like backwards to me…) into bitmap? I surprised myself by asking me this…

Well… Maybe it is backwards or maybe it is not… :bounce:

I know that you can use Ming or other types of libraries to generate SWF file dynamically with PHP… I have no problem about it and still experimenting with them…

But, sometimes you need to have a bitmap image rather than SWF file even it is the same thing on the screen… and the way I see it, it can be real good use if there is a way to do it… For example, you can dynamically produce a screenshot of the web application you just made, or create a file with the output of your drawing program or when you need to export the image so that you can reuse it from MS Word or some other program that does not have SWF import capability… Do I have a reason to pursue this??? =)

Yup, that was why, now i remember! :wink:

(btw, did you know “Chantilly” means whipped cream, the stuff you put on cakes, lotsa, i love it, in French? :stuck_out_tongue: )

if ya interested in MING, check this coolest of all links…just in case you didn’t know about:

Oh… You mean the stuff that makes me fat and ugly??? I think I know what that is… :evil:

Yup… Thanks for the link… I’ll look into it… :smirk: