.swf size and preloader size are different

Ummm…I can’t seem to figure out why the preloader in my movie is telling me that the size of the movie is almost 200Kb larger than it actually is. The preloader says 558Kb and it is actually only 364Kb. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Here’s the code for the preloader.

//frame 2
loadedkbytes=Math.ceil (loadedbytes/1024);
if (loadedbytes == totalbytes) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
frame = int(loadedbytes/(totalbytes/100));
tellTarget (_root.loader) {
gotoAndStop (_root.frame);
//frame 3

Here’s a shot of the bandwidth profiler. If the size of the movie is 363Kb, shouldn’t Loaded: be 363Kb as well? I don’t get it.