Now, those work perfect but the problem is…before the buttons appear ion the page this code is initiated…
That loads the Main page to be displayed first. ok…when I click on for example, the downloads button, it loads it all fine. But the problem comes in here. When I click the Home button, I can’t click any other buttons after that. Nothing else works. Get what I mean? It’s hard to explain.
Thx to whoever can understand all that jibberish. hehe.
dude, ive downloaded all the files, made there swf’s and ran it, everything works fine. ? what combination dosent work? downloads then home and then another link works fine.
Oh yeah that’s where the problem is. Really sorry about that. I doesn’t when I use it on the internet. Works fine when I preview it. But doesnt when I go to the site…
::edit:: Whoa wait a sec. it’s working now!!! WTH?! Ah jeez this is gay lol. Sorry bout that. And thank you for all your help. I’m a frickin moron lol.