swfAddress issues

Ok, so I’m trying out swfAddress (version 2.1) for the first time, and I’m having some issues…

Here’s my really simple test swf.

The left block is called button1_mc, the right block is called button2_mc, and the top, smaller one is called buttonHome_mc. They are all contained within menu_mc.

When you click button1_mc, the whole thing moves left (this would be the ‘page1’ application state). Same thing for button2_mc, but it moves right. When you click buttonHome_mc, it moves back to the center (the ‘/’ application state).

And here’s my AS:

import gs.TweenMax;
import SWFAddress;

// Save the default menu x-position
menu_mc.homeX = menu_mc._x;

// Make an array with key as swfaddress value, value as the button object
swfPages = new Array();

// Function that sets page and shiftX value for a button, and adds it to the swfPages array
addPage = function(mc, page, shiftX) {
    mc.page = page;
    mc.shiftX = shiftX;
    swfPages[page] = mc;
addPage(menu_mc.buttonHome_mc, '/', 0);
addPage(menu_mc.button1_mc, '/page1/', -50);
addPage(menu_mc.button2_mc, '/page2/', 50);

// Set button functions
buttonFunction = function(button) {
    button.onRelease = function() {
    button.onRollOver = function() {
    button.onRollOut = function() {

// Page Change Function
changePage = function (swfAddressValue) {
    var button = swfPages[swfAddressValue];
    var toX = menu_mc.homeX + button.shiftX;
    TweenMax.to(menu_mc, 0.5, {_x:toX});

SWFAddress.onChange = function() {

Everything works as expected in the swf file, and when you hover over the buttons you can see the correct URL show up in the status bar - but when you click, the URL doesn’t change.

Not sure what I’m doing wrong… Thanks for any help you can give me :beer: