Swfobject question: Is the path of expressInstall.swf relative?


I just start using swfobject 2.1 to embed my flash movies into HTML webpage. Is the path of expressInstall.swf relative to the HTML webpage (similar to path of image files)?

I know that if the HTML webpage and expressInstall.swf are in the same directory, the path is simply "expressInstall.swf as all tutorials used this. But how about the following two cases:

Case 1:
if the expressInstall.swf save in a upper level, is the path simply “…/expressInstall.swf”?

Case 2:
if the expressInstall.swf save in a folder (myfolder) below, is the path “myfolder/expressInstall.swf”?

I ask this question. Because I sometimes see webpage using “/myfolder/expressInstall.swf” in case 2, not “myfolder/expressInstall.swf”.

Thanks and best regards
