
I use FlashObject.js (now > SWFObject.js <) for displaying Fash content on my [URL=“http://dkozar.com/dk_web/”]> site <.

I’ve got two questions:

  1. If the user doesn’t have the Flash version that’s needed, he [COLOR=“Red”]ISN’T redirected [/COLOR]to plugin site automatically as it is when using classic <OBJECT>/<EMBED> tags!
    Instead - nothing happens; the Flash on the top of the page simply doesn’t load.

What am I doing wrong?

Does anyone have an example of configuring the parameter for automatic Flash plugin install?

I tried to play with attributes like this, but doesn’t help:

fo.setAttribute(“codebase”, “http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,0,0”);

  1. I use the > SWFObject Publish Profile Extension < for a Flash.
    It works OK, but I’d like to have a <noscript> version of Flash inside the <div> tag (so if the javascript is disabled, it still displays the OBJECT/EMBED version of Flash).

So if anybody developes the version with <noscript>… it would be of a great help!