Swf's and the HTML anchor

I have a link on a page that takes you to a particular spot on another page-in other words the link is anchored. It takes you to a section of the page that has a flash movie. Simple enough.

However, this flash movie has a preloader in it and whenever I click the link the preloader won’t work properly, if at all. I was assuming it was my actionscript or how I created the movie but I’ve tested this thing inside out and had no problems until I uploaded it.

Then I noticed something: since the link is anchored I decided to navigate to the page without the anchor (i.e. take off the #anchor section of the web address) and wouldn’t you know it, the preloader works like a charm.

The questions are this: how could a simple anchored page affect a swf? Is it possible that the anchor is forcing the page to skip some of the flash embedding code when parsing? Has anyone even heard of this and if so, have you heard of any solutions?

If you’d like to view what I’m babbling about:
*page in question here.
*to test the page both ways remember to clear your cache after the first view

Any help or insight to this problem would be appreciated!