Swift 3d V3 importing inmages

some ask but i forget what post :blush:

anyway can i make a 2d drawing and import it into S3D V3 and Swift makes it 3D

thanks for the help

i am asking because the only thing i can make is stupid things like my sig

not the most complex work ever:A+:

the 2d drawing would need to be a vector drawing which swift3d could recognize and generate as 3D. Otherwise you could make a 3D shape in swift3d and then plaster the 2d image on it as a bitmap.

what file types does it use

i have fireworks :-\

Do you have Flash? You can draw it in Flash and use that

yeah i have flash MX but i really want a better program to draw in

i am buying Photoshop 7 and Illustator

use Flash to output an AI file, and then import that into Swift 3d. i believe you can also use *.eps

I wish i could have been told this when I was messing with Photoshop and the Pen tool. EPS… and i was messing with AI… (overwhelmed) what a waste of time… Thanks for the help! Now i can use Flash’s Amazing Line and Pencil tool to make my logo! :beam: :bounce:

you can also use fireworks just export as ai…or eps